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3 Reasons Your Toddler is Tantruming
Dr. Katherine breaks down the top three reasons your toddler is throwing a tantrum.

Top 5 Tabletop Games for 6- to 10-Year-Olds
Dr. Katherine’s top 5 game recommendations for 6- to 10-year-olds.

Top 5 Board Games for 4 to 6 Year Olds
Dr. Katherine’s top 5 game recommendations for 4- to 6-year-olds.
Top 5 Toys for Your 1-Year-Old
Dr. Katherine’s top 5 toy recommendations for 12-month-olds.
The Benefits of Working with a Specialist in Pediatric Speech-Language Therapy
Why should you pick a specialist to treat your child’s speech-language disorder?

Do you take insurance?
The answers to all your insurance questions, including, “Do you take my insurance?”

Should I use sign language with my child?
Can sign language help your baby improve their communication skills?

How Does Online Therapy Work?
Is in-person or online speech-language therapy best for your child? Online therapy offers many benefits, even for very young children!

Speech-Language Therapy During a Pandemic
Speech-language therapy doesn’t have to stop just because you are isolated at home!

How long does therapy take?
This is one of my most frequently ask questions and probably the most difficult question to answer. I can’t predict how long therapy will take, but I can work with you to make the most progress possible.

Have you ever wondered how bilingualism (or multilingualism) impacts language development?

Importance of Caregiver Involvement in Therapy
Research supports caregiver involvement in speech-language therapy.

What is a first word?
Most children say their first word around 12 months old. How can you tell your child’s first word from other sounds that they make?