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What is intelligibility?
Intelligibility refers to how much of what a child says we understand. Read on to learn how much of what your child says you can expect to understand at different ages.

How Children Learn Language
A child’s first words are like the roof on the house of communication. There are many communication milestones that a child must meet before they say their first word.

Resources for Parents
With all of the stuff on the internet, finding legitimate resources can be a challenge. We’ve pulled together a list of our favorite books, websites, toys, and games for your reading pleasure!

Should I “wait and see?”
Should you get a speech-language evaluation now or wait and see if your child’s skills improve? Research can point you in the right direction.

Communication Milestones
How do you know whether your child’s skills are age-appropriate? Check out these milestones for kids ages birth to five years.

Parent Coaching
Parent coaching is different from, and more effective than, parent education. Read on to learn why we include parent coaching as a key component of our therapy sessions.

What is speech-language therapy?
Speech-language therapy, also known simply as speech therapy, looks a lot like play! BUT it’s play with a purpose.